Southern Africa WDA Student Chapter 2023/2024 elections
Hi everyone! My name is Bart Gazendam.
I am a Dutch veterinarian, currently working as a clinical assistant/resident Wildlife Disease at the University of a Pretoria, South Africa. I am about to start my third and final year.
Before I started here in SA, I worked as an equine veterinarian in the Netherlands and the UK. Wildlife medicine has always been a big passion of mine. During my university time, at Ghent University, I founded a student association (VSDW) with the focus on Development and Wildlife. Together with a group of students we were able to organise lectures and international congresses at the University - all focused-on wildlife conservation/medicine and development. Additionally, I was fortunate enough to gain work experience in Kenya and South Africa.
Currently my main interests go out to megaherbivores and large predators; not coincidentally also my main research topics: “The comparison of etorphine and thiafentanil in Black rhinoceros” and “A new surgical approach for the vasectomy of lions”.
This year I would like to apply for the position as president. I will be able to use my past experience and apply it to spark the WDA activities, lectures and perhaps a congress. Besides the clinical (wildlife) work I have done the past years, I realised I have a great passion for academics and teaching. With my position at the University of Pretoria, I am hoping to create a stronger connection between the university and the WDA - allowing us to organise events that are more accessible for students and post-grads.
Vice President
Hi everyone! My name is Gina João and I am currently a fifth year veterinary student at the University of Pretoria.
I was born and raised in Cape Town, where I was a primary school teacher for a few years before following my lifelong dream of becoming a veterinarian! I have always loved all animals, but growing up in South Africa has reserved a special place in my heart for our magnificent wildlife creatures!
Over the past few years, I have had the privilege of meeting and working with different wildlife veterinarians and conservation enthusiasts, further fuelling my passion for both.
I am currently the chairperson of the Wildlife Group of the SAVA Young Members society, which is a student-run society that aims to provide students with more opportunities to gain exposure to the wildlife sector, with a large focus being on conservation and community engagement. Some of the projects we run include snare removals on game reserves, wildly webinar lectures that host different wildlife veterinarians and conservationists, fundraising events for wildlife rehabilitation centres, and many more! I am also a curriculum manager for Lessons in Conservation, a non-profit organisation focused on educating children across Africa about conservation, ecology and wildlife.
This year, I would like to run for the position of Vice President of the WDA Student Chapter.
If selected for the position, I hope to incorporate my passion for wildlife, conservation and education, and my current positions in the Wildlife Group and LiC team to create more opportunities to expose and educate students about wildlife medicine and conservation. I believe that as a student currently, I am able to connect more students to WDA, as well as contribute towards building a stronger relationship between UP and WDA.
I am super excited to be a part of this incredible cause and to share this journey ahead together!
Hello everyone, I am Onkgopotse Seabi.
I am a South African entomologist, currently
finalising my master’s degree at the University of Pretoria (UP) in the Department of
Zoology and Entomology.
This year, I will also be pursuing my doctorate degree in Entomology at UP. My passion for Entomology includes an interest in microbes and their effects on the insects and their importance to the ecosystem. As well as insect vector control through the microbial manipulations.
I have completed online courses hosted by Institut Pasteur (FUN) on Medical epidemiology and epidemiology of animal and zoonotic diseases in this regard.
During my honours and master’s degrees, I pursued the tutoring of invertebrate biology which involves the basic understanding of one health from an insect, mainly insect pest (ticks, fleas and lice) perspective. I have also participated in rodent capturing, identification, and dissecting. I am often found in the laboratory running various screening PCRs but I would like to gain experience in association work as my tenure as the ESSA Student Representative in Pretoria was cut short by the pandemic.
I would like to throw my hat in the ring for the Vice Chair position. As I believe that I can act as a sounding board and critical friend in the Executive team. I am looking forward to working with everyone, offering and receiving constructive feedback and support to help the team work more effectively.
I am a Zoology PhD student from the University of Pretoria. I am very enthusiastic when it comes to opprotunities for learning. I place high value on understanding what is expected of me, so I ask as many questions as necessary to get to that point.
As a part of the Department of Zoology, I was recruited to join PSANA which is a committee for postgraduate students in the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. I was the postgraduate representative of our department for a year, after which I was elected as Chairperson for the committee. This was a high honour and an amazing learning experience. I am working on my PhD research at the moment and am enjoying the practical aspect of research as that is where I believe I shine.
Beyond my doctoral degree, I hope to become an educator and share my knowledge and passion for wildlife with my students. As a member of the SAWDASC, I hope to contribute towards strengthening the international links between Southern African students and their international counterparts. The international student community is a very supportive one with many resources to share and new research opportunities to be found!
Hello! My name is Sara, I’m a vet originally from Portugal, and I’m studying towards a research MSc at UP in cheetah reproduction.
My journey in wildlife and conservation started from very young, and was fomented during my DVM years, as I took several elective courses and did internships in zoos in Europe. In 2017, I stepped into South Africa for the first time, to further my experience in wildlife medicine, and fell in love with Africa’s amazing wildlife.
Since I qualified in 2019, I have spent the past few years working with small animals in the UK. In 2022, I started studying for the MSc Conservation Medicine in Edinburgh University whilst continuing to practice as a Locum. This course has so far broadened my views in conservation and made me realise we live in a very fragile world that needs to be protected in many different ways.
I’m now starting a new chapter by moving my life to South Africa to study towards a MSc in cheetah reproduction. I am hoping that, by using my skills as a vet for conservation, I can be part of this growing movement of people that are fighting to protect biodiversity and promote all forms of life in our planet.
I’m super excited to be part of the WDA student chapter this year. I am very keen to learn from fellow members, collaborate and assist in organising projects, events, meetings etc. I believe that communicating science and inspiring others to join this movement is as important as other aspects of conservation.