Interactive Wildlife Case Quiz
Event 8 May 2023 7pm - 8pm SAST | RSVP by 5 May 11.59pm SAST
This online interactive wildlife quiz will be hosted on the 8th of May from 7pm - 8pm SAST.
Participation is online, free and a small wildlife capture booklet will be supplied to study before the quiz.
The quiz will be presented by Dr. Bart Gazendam, in English.
Several topics will be discussed, such as wildlife immobilisation, problems during capture and challenges with conservation.
If you would like to attend please fill in the following form and a link to the event as well as the information booklet will be provided!

Animal Tuberculosis Postdoctoral Research Fellowship:
Division of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics
Deadline 21 April 2023
A position for a postdoctoral fellow is available in the Animal Tuberculosis Research Group, Division of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics, Department of Biomedical Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University.
This fellowship is suitable for individuals with a background in molecular biology, genetics, and bioinformatics, with a particular interest in whole genome and deep sequencing analyses of mycobacteria, molecular
epidemiology of infectious diseases, and the control of diseases of zoonotic importance.
The successful candidate will participate in a range of Animal TB research projects focusing on tuberculosis in wildlife, livestock, and animal-human interfaces, and will assist in the analysis, integration, and interpretation of various datasets.
1. Contribute significantly to the publication of research outputs by the research group
2 Perform supervision duties for postgraduate students within the research group
3. Write and submit funding proposals to facilitate sustainability of the research undertaken
4. Conduct laboratory and field work as required as part of ongoing research projects
1. PhD in a relevant area (Molecular Biology/Biodiversity and Ecology/Biology), obtained within the past 5 years
2. The successful candidate may not have held any prior academic or professional posts
3. Strong written and oral communication skills
4. A background in bioinformatics, with previous work on analyses of RNAseq data, would be an advantage
5. Previous experience working with wildlife would beneficial but not necessary
Value and Tenure of Fellowship:
Remuneration for this Postdoctoral Research Fellowship will be up to R250 000 per annum. The fellowship is tenable for an immediate start and run until December 2024. An extension may be possible, depending on satisfactory progress and availability of funds.
Application Requirements:
Applicants are required to submit their CV (indicating research outputs), covering letter (indicating area of expertise, research interests and experiences) and the names and up-to-date contact details of three academic referees to: Prof Michele Miller (miller@sun.ac.za). DEADLINE 21 APRIL 2023
Please note that postdoctoral fellows are not appointed as employees, and their fellowships are awarded tax-free. They are therefore not eligible for employee benefits.
A recap of the end of 2021 and the year so far!
Due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, no in-person meetings or lecture events have taken
place in the period of 2021/2022 to date. However, two online lectures were organized:

Evolution of a Wildlife Veterinarian online lecture by Dr Michael Kock
16 October 2021
This online presentation reached over 200 participants and ended with a very busy and
interactive Q&A session bringing students and the lecturer closer together.

How to get involved with wildlife - an online webinar in collaboration with the EWDA SC
13 April 2022
In collaboration with the EWDA SC, the SAWDA SC gave a lecture on “How to get involved with wildlife in Southern Africa”. Volunteer short term, long term, research, and post-grad opportunities were discussed and highlighted and information on registrations for veterinarians in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana, and Zambia were provided.

Rhino Peak Challenge
Three of our members (Marion Leiberich, Christine Styrer and Ursina Rusch) joined and completed the Rhino Peak Challenge as ambassadors. The Rhino Peak Challenge is a conservation fundraiser that takes place in the Maloti- Drakensberg World Heritage Site each year. A limited number of RPC Ambassadors set themselves the challenge of ascending the famous Rhino Peak (3056m) and raising funds for the RPC Beneficiaries while doing so.
During the year we have also preliminarily launched an Instagram page which we hope to develop further in order to reach new potential members as well as to share exciting work being done by colleagues throughout the region - keep your eyes open for exciting developments here !

Upcoming virtual events to be aware of
March 10, 2021
EWDA SC Workshop on 'communicating science in wildlife conservation'
The deadline closes on the 14th of March.
IUCN Global Youth Summit launching on the 5th of April
Application of molecular biology in the study and conservation of animals
This is a presentation by Carlos Sancristian, DVM, MSc, PhD on the 26th of March. This webinar forms part of a monthly event hosted by the WDA Student Chapter

Southern Africa WDA Student Chapter board election results
March 3, 2021
The results are in, the votes have been counted and the new board has been elected! To gain some insight into the team - some of who will already be familiar to you - please click here!
We look forward to our term of office and to bring you new and exciting events while keeping social distancing in mind. It is important now, more than ever, to raise awareness regarding the plight our wildlife face and to highlight the work done to combat disease in the animals of Southern Africa
Speaking of wildlife, every year, the third of March is celebrated globally as World Wildlife Day. This year, the theme decided upon by the United Nations is:
"Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet"
This theme serves to highlight the important role of forests, the flora and fauna that reside in them and ecosystems services in sustaining the livelihoods of millions of people globally. This particularly pertains to the livelihoods of Indigenous and local communities with historic ties to forested and forest-adjacent areas.
For more information about World Wildlife Day please visit: https://www.wildlifeday.org
I think it is important to consider what we will do as individuals and collectively to contribute positively to the preservation of wildlife this year.

Southern Africa WDA Student Chapter board elections
December 31, 2020
Vacant positions: Southern Africa WDA Student Chapter board
-Vice president
-Communications officer
Dear WDA students,
After two years in office it is time to elect a new board for the Southern Africa WDA Student Chapter. All Southern African students with WDA membership can apply.
Please send a short CV outlining engagement with the WDA, professional interests, and ideas for the role within the Southern Africa WDA Student Chapter to sawdasc@gmail.com.
Please spread the word and let us know, if you have any questions.
Best wishes,
SA-WDA-SC board 2019/20
Our mission is to acquire, disseminate, and apply knowledge of the health and diseases of wild animals in relation to their biology, conservation, and interactions with human and domestic animals. More specifically, the Southern Africa WDA Student Chapter aims to:
1. Educate students interested in wildlife health and disease about career options, job qualifications and education, externships, volunteer, and research opportunities
2. Enhance skills of students interested in wildlife health and disease through lectures, workshops, conferences, or field trips
3. Connect students interested in wildlife health and disease to mentors in WDA and the profession through the faculty advisor and guest lecturers
Quick summary of Student Chapter office bearers and their roles (WDA constitution and bylaws apply):
All officers must be WDA student members.
1. President
The President represents the SC.
The President is responsible for calling SC-board meetings and develop the agenda for each meeting.
The President, in consultation with the officers, shall assure that the annual SC report for the WDA council is completed and submitted in time.
The President and Secretary shall maintain a set of records and, upon completion of his/her term, redirect those records to the incoming President and Secretary.
2. Vice President
The Vice-President shall assist the President throughout the year in communicating with officers to assure that they are aware of their charges and deadlines where applicable.
If for any reason the President is unable to fulfill his/her duties, the Vice-President shall assume the office and duties of Acting President and shall remain in that capacity for the remaining period of the President’s term or until a new President can be elected by annual ballot, whichever is the shorter term.
3. Secretary
The Secretary shall be responsible for the membership directory and for minutes from meetings. Help with the up keep of relevant records (i.e. meeting minutes, membership directory and documents related to the day to day working of the SC) and ensure the timeous distribution of the records to board members and constituents where applicable.
4. Treasurer
The SC Treasurer shall be responsible for SC finances. The President or Treasurer is permitted to sign cheques and other documents in the name of the SC.
The Treasurer shall provide descriptions of all funds held in the name of the SC and is responsible for the annual financial report. The treasurer is also responsible to apply for grants and other funding.
5. Communication officer
The communication officer passes information to SC members and manages any social platforms, websites and email accounts that is owned by the SC.
October 11, 2020
To mark World Rabies Day 2020, the Southern Africa WDA student chapter (SAWDASC) launched an online competition where African students were invited to submit a short awareness video or poster. The aim of this competition was to raise awareness about the devastation still caused by rabies, especially in neglected communities, and the global goal to end dog-mediated rabies deaths by 2030.Posters and videos were judged according to their composition, relevance to the theme (end rabies: collaborate, vaccinate) and message. We would like to thank Dr. Stephen Chege (WDA-AME Section Chair), Prof. Michele Miller (SAWDASC Faculty Advisor), Dr. Anna Haw (SAWDASC Student Board Advisor) and Dr. Eduard Roos (WDA-AME Section Student Representative) for their support in organising this initiative and for judging the competition.
We were impressed by the many excellent posters and videos we received from the extraordinarily talented students across Africa. The winners of the competition were announced at the WDA-AME End Rabies online lecture event held on October 11th. The event was organised by the SAWDASC and the Zoo and Wildlife Medicine Study Group. We want to thank Dr. Grace Kia (Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria) and Dr. Katja Koeppel (University of Pretoria, South Africa) for serving as speakers and inspiring us by giving insight into the work they have been doing to end rabies.
Congratulations to Joseph Pwajok, Mubarak Aliyu, Zakariya Maryam, Jacob Mbogo, Ookonkwo Ikechukwu Christain, Brenda Kimetto, David Abiayi, Agunbiade Olatunbosun Joseph, Hannah Loni, Muthoni Winnie, Folajimi Shorunke, Torkuma Cosmas and Dhawal Anand for your outstanding contributions to the WDA-AME World Rabies Day 2020 competition.Congratulations to the winners:
1st) Zakariya Maryam, University of Ilorin, Nigeria.
2nd) Shorunke Folajimi, Ahmadu Bello UniversityZaria, Nigeria.
3rd) Joseph Pwajok, Federal University of Agriculture Makurdi, Nigeria.
1st) Brenda Kimetto, Egerton University, Kenya.
2nd) Muthoni Winnie, Karatina University, Kenya.
3rd) Hannah Loni, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria,Nigeria.
3rd) Jacob Mbogo, University of Nairobi, Kenya

WORLD RABIES DAY competition
September 28, 2020
To mark World Rabies Day, held annually on 28th September, the Southern Africa WDA student chapter is launching an online competition for students. This competition aims to raise awareness about the devastation still caused by rabies, especially in neglected communities, and the global goal to end dog-mediated rabies deaths by 2030. https://rabiesalliance.org/world-rabies-day
How to enter?
Submit either:
1) A short awareness video (< 3min), or
2) A piece of art/painting/drawing/photograph/awareness poster
The subject matter of the video or piece of art should relate to the 2020 World Rabies Day theme: ‘End Rabies: Collaborate, Vaccinate’
Each category will be judged separately, by an external committee according to the same criteria, namely:
•Composition of video or art piece
•Relevance to the theme
•Message – is it a compelling message that will capture an audience?
Who can enter?
Student members of the WDA AME Section
African students or students enrolled in an undergraduate or postgraduate programme at an African University that wish to become WDA-AME members
Where to submit?
Via email or WE transfer to SAWDASC@gmail.com
With WDA-AME Word Rabies Day Competition in the subject line
By when to submit? Please submit by World Rabies Day, September 28th 2020
What to win?
Prizes will be awarded to the top three submissions in each category.
Prizes will include 2021 WDA student memberships as well as a cash award.
On October 11th 3pm (GMT+2), the Southern Africa WDA student chapter will host an online lecture about rabies, and an award ceremony where the winning video and art submissions will be shared with a wider audience.
The winning video & poster will be displayed in the student corner of the WDA quarterly newsletter as well as the Southern Africa WDA Student Chapter and WDA-AME social media and websites.

Student workshop in AVIAN emergency & first aid
September 05, 2019
On September 5th 2019, our annual Student Chapter workshop took place at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. This year's topic was avian emergency and first aid.🐥🐦🦆🦉
We had a total of 44 attendees (30 of which were able to attend the practical workshop).
The talks took about 1h 15 min (5-6:15pm) and included:
- Flamingo project (Dr. Katja Köppel)
- Common avian diseases and emergency cases (Dr. Jessica Briner)
- Handling, basic procedures, anaesthesia (Dr. Kresen Pillay)
- Bird sexing (Dr. Robert Campbell)
The practical workshop lasted about 1 h 30 min (6.30-8pm), and covered basic procedures such as blood sampling, SC fluid therapy, injection sites, wing wrap, tube feeding...
We had three groups of 10 people led by: Dr. Jessica Briner, Dr. Kresen Pillay, and Dr. Richard Burroughs.
Thanks to everyone for attending the workshop.
Many thanks to all the lecturers for taking time and contributing to the workshop and for your mentorship!
It's been a real success 🤓

University of Cape Town SAWDASC Lecture Evening
April 28, 2019
We’re excited to share that in April this year we held our first event at the University of Cape Town (UCT). This event served both as an introduction of the Southern Africa Wildlife Disease Association Student Chapter (SAWDASC) to UCT and also as a lecture evening. Although UCT does not have a vet school, there was a strong turnout of interested students from a range of different fields including the Department of Biological Sciences, the Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences and also from the University’s Zoology and Botany Club.
The evening started with a brief introduction of the WDA and the SAWDASC, and then we jumped straight into the lecture presentations. We were lucky enough to have three wildlife researchers present their work. First we had Friederike Pohlin, who is currently enrolled in a PhD in Veterinary Science at the University of Pretoria, present on physiological responses of black and white rhinoceroses to capture and transport. Then, Margaret Nolan, who just completed her PhD in Veterinary Science at the University of Pretoria presented on elephant population management in South Africa using immunocontraception. Finally, Marion Leiberich, who also just completed her PhD in Veterinary Science at the University of Pretoria presented her research on assessing the value of enrofloxacin (an anti-microbial drug) and carprofen (an anti-inflammatory drug) combination treatment in Southern white rhinoceros through the use of pharmacokinetic modelling.
After each presentation there was time for questions. We were very pleased with the enthusiasm and interest shown by the students through the questions they came up with and through their active engagement with the content of the presentations.
It was a very successful evening and we’d like to thank our presenters for making it possible. We’re hoping to organize another lecture evening at UCT in the second half of the year

SA WDA SC board elections
January 11, 2019
Dear SA WDA SC members,
What an exciting start into the new year!
Applications for a position in the SA WDA SC 2019/2020 board are now closed.
Please review the nominees in the member section of our website and leave your vote here:
Elections are opened to SA WDA SC members until January 20th 2019.
Thank you very much for your participation,
your SA WDA SC board 2017/2018
Copy Of -Southern Africa WDA Student Chapter board elections
October 31, 2018
Vacant positions: Southern Africa WDA Student Chapter board
-Vice president
-Communications officer
Dear WDA students,
After two years in office and establishing the Southern Africa WDA Student Chapter it is time to elect a new board. All Southern African students with WDA membership can apply.
Please send a short CV outlining engagement with the WDA, professional interests, and ideas for the role within the Southern Africa WDA Student Chapter to sawdasc@gmail.com.
Please spread the word and let us know, if you have any questions.
Best wishes,
SA-WDA-SC board 2017/18
Our mission is to acquire, disseminate, and apply knowledge of the health and diseases of wild animals in relation to their biology, conservation, and interactions with human and domestic animals. More specifically, the Southern Africa WDA Student Chapter aims to:
1. Educate students interested in wildlife health and disease about career options, job qualifications and education, externships, volunteer, and research opportunities
2. Enhance skills of students interested in wildlife health and disease through lectures, workshops, conferences, or field trips
3. Connect students interested in wildlife health and disease to mentors in WDA and the profession through the faculty advisor and guest lecturers
Quick summary of Student Chapter office bearers and their roles (WDA constitution and bylaws apply):
All officers must be WDA student members.
1. President
The President represents the SC.
The President is responsible for calling SC-board meetings and develop the agenda for each meeting.
The President, in consultation with the officers, shall assure that the annual SC report for the WDA council is completed and submitted in time.
The President and Secretary shall maintain a set of records and, upon completion of his/her term, redirect those records to the incoming President and Secretary.
2. Vice President
The Vice-President shall assist the President throughout the year in communicating with officers to assure that they are aware of their charges and deadlines where applicable.
If for any reason the President is unable to fulfill his/her duties, the Vice-President shall assume the office and duties of Acting President and shall remain in that capacity for the remaining period of the President’s term or until a new President can be elected by annual ballot, whichever is the shorter term.
3. Secretary
The Secretary shall be responsible for the membership directory and for minutes from meetings. Help with the up keep of relevant records (i.e. meeting minutes, membership directory and documents related to the day to day working of the SC) and ensure the timeous distribution of the records to board members and constituents where applicable.
4. Treasurer
The SC Treasurer shall be responsible for SC finances. The President or Treasurer is permitted to sign cheques and other documents in the name of the SC.
The Treasurer shall provide descriptions of all funds held in the name of the SC and is responsible for the annual financial report. The treasurer is also responsible to apply for grants and other funding.
5. Communication officer
The communication officer passes information to SC members and manages any social platforms, websites and email accounts that is owned by the SC.

STUDENTS AGAINST POACHING – One evening for rhino conservation @ University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria
May 24, 2018
On the 24th of May, 2018 students from the Vetmeduni Vienna were hosting a charity fundraiser for rhino conservation at their Faculty.
The Austrian Student Chapter of the European WDA and the Southern Africa WDA Student Chapter contributed to this event, so did vice-president Fidu hold a talk on rhinoceros translocations together with Prof. Schwarzenberger from the Vetmeduni Vienna who is a specialist in rhino reproduction. Loads of video messages from rhino-specialists from the African continent displayed the vital information about poaching and conservation to Austrian students.
Thank you to the motivated Austrian students for raising funds for rhinoceros conservation and, more importantly, for raising awareness!

February 28, 2018
The Southern Africa WDA Student Chapter (SA-WDA SC) was approved by the WDA council in December 2017.
With this exciting news, we started the New Year with a kick-off event at the Wildlife Group of the South African Veterinary Association (SAVA) annual congress 2018.
Wednesday, February 28th, was the pre-congress day where all the workshops took place. We organized a free WORKSHOP in WILDLIFE PATHOLOGY for all students interested in wildlife health and disease. The workshop took place at the University of Pretoria, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Onderstepoort and was sponsored by the wildlife group of the SAVA. The wildlife professionals attending the congress were so jealous!
We started the day with lectures in the morning, followed by a lunch break and practicals in the afternoon. For the evening, we organized a student-mentor mixer. Forty students, who registered beforehand, attended the workshop and included local undergraduate veterinary students and national and international postgraduate students form several wildlife-related fields of study.
The event started with a brief introduction to the WDA and the newly founded SA-WDA SC followed by an interactive discussion on ONE HEALTH and the interaction between wildlife, humans, the environment and emerging diseases, led by Dr. Katja Koeppel. After a short tea break, Dr. Emily Mitchel explained the importance of performing wildlife pathology and showed us what to look for when performing post mortem examinations in different species. Lastly, Dr. Michele Miller, our faculty advisor and Chair in Animal Tuberculosis at Stellenbosch University, gave valuable insight in the role of PATHOLOGY in wildlife research and encouraged students to cooperate and collaborate.
After a quick lunch with pizza & juice, Dr. Emily Mitchel together with Dr. Alfredo Guiot from Mexico, demonstrated comparative post mortem examinations in reptiles, birds and fish. First, we performed necropsy in a Hadida (and in a chicken) with a history of leg paralysis. Then, we learned about pathologies in fish and dissected a pet-snake that had not been eating voluntarily for 4 months before being euthanised.
We were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and active participation of the students in the workshop. Thank you very much to all our speakers for their support and motivation in making this possible.
In the evening, we held out first-ever mentor mixer. “La fiamma” sponsored five bottles of champagne for this event. The student-mentor mixer provided students a chance to meet and talk to wildlife professionals and ask them about their career. In order to get the chance to talk to all mentors, the students rotated through five tables, for fifteen minutes each, with two mentors on each table.
We were very touched by the motivation and passion of our mentors: Michele Miller, Emily Mitchel, Katja Koeppel, Michael Kock, Richard Burroughs, Leith Meyer, Gareth Zeiler, Angela Bruns, Greg Simpson and Silke Pfitzer.
Thank you for inspiring our students!

Student membership sponsorship
March 31, 2018
We congratulate the following students that have been awarded WDA-student-membership through funds of the WDA:
South Africa: Calvin Smith, Yusuf B Ngoshe, Marion Leibernich, Hatyoka, Keri-Lee Dobbie
DRC: Mushagalusa ciza
Zambia: Frank Banda
Zimbabwe: Lara Nicholson, Leon K Manomano, Melissa Wilde, Charmaine Mutswiri

February 28, 2018
Pre-graduates: 600 ZAR/day, first 10 to register for FREE
Post-graduates: 50% discount on early bird (until Feb. 6th), standard and late fee (from February 20th).
Pre and Post graduate Veterinary Students & WDA students (students interested in wildlife disease and health, vets- and non vets) are welcome to attend the (free) Student Workshop organized by the Southern Africa WDA Student Chapter!
Date & time: February 28th, 08:30-16:00
Location: Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Onderstepoort, University of Pretoria, South Africa
- 09:00 - 12:00 am lectures and tea at the Small Auditorium in Paraclinical building:
Dr. Katja Koeppel: ONE HEALTH
Dr. Emily Mitchell: PostMortems – why/how
Dr. Michele Miller: The role of pathology in research
- Lunch (12:00-13:00, included)
- Afternoon practicalsfrom 13:30 at the Pathology Demonstration Hall (will take approx. 2hrs):
Dr. Johan Steyl: Comparative anatomy and post mortem demonstration
The workshop will be limited to 40 students at a first come, first serve basis!
Please register with vets4wildlife or here.
Date & time: February 28th, 16:00 (directly after the student workshop)
Location: Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Onderstepoort, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Wildlife professionals will dedicate their time to be approached by students. Students therefore have the chance to meet and talk to specialists in a relaxed environment (drinks included).

December 24, 2017
The Southern Africa Wildlife Disease Association Student Chapter wishes everyone merry christmas and a happy new year
We will start the next year with our monthly joint online journal club and a (free) wildlife pathology workshop for students at the annual conference of the SAVA wildlife group 2018 (more information coming soon).
Our mission is to acquire, disseminate, and apply knowledge of the health and diseases of wild animals in relation to their biology, conservation, and interactions with human and domestic animals.
More specifically we aim to:
Educate students interested in wildlife health and disease about career options, job qualifications and education, externships, volunteer, and research opportunities
Enhance skills of students interested in wildlife health and disease through lectures, workshops, conferences, or field trips
Connect students (from different professional backgrounds) interested in wildlife with each other and to mentors in WDA and the profession
Membership for the Student Chapter is FREE!

SA WDA SC promoting international networking at UGhent in Belgium
December 13, 2017
The Souhtern Africa WDA student chapter was present at the 3-day Wildife Conservation Symposium at UGhent to promote international and interdisciplinary networking among students interested in wildlife:
Dr. O'Dell from the University of Pretoria gave suggestions about opportunities for students at the University of Pretoria, Faculty of Veterinary Science- Onderstepoort, South Africa. You can check out his comments at the official VSDW Ghent fb page.

What's new ? WDA student membership awardees and journal clubs
June 12, 2017
We would like to congratulate those that were successful in getting the WDA membership sponsorship awards from the WDA-AME Section through WDAmember funds.
Mallion Kangume (Uganda)
Ruth Uwamahoro (Rwanda)
Khayr-eddine Choual (Algeria)
Jackson Katampi (Zambia)
Lara Nicholson (Zimbabwe)
Michael Ibukun Famuyide (Nigeria)
We are excited to have you on board- please don't forget to also sign up with us.
We would like to welcome Lara Nicholson, our new Communications Officer. Many thanks to Karmistha Poovan for standing in as Communications Officer while we were looking for someone to fill this position.
Our first joint journal club took place on May 20th 2017. WDA-AME SC vice-president Fidu held a presentation on translocation stress in wildlife and it's pharmacological management.
Due to the high interest in this topic, Fidu will repeat the journal club later in the year.
The next online journal club will be held on July 8th at 2pm UTC.
WDA-AME SC secretary Thembeka will present about pulse oximetry in immobilized wildlife. We will use the ANYMEETING platform and keep you up to date with the arrangements.
Thank you to those that were part of the previous journal club, we believe that this platform will go from strength to strength :)
Outreach at UP
May 05, 2017
Yesterday, Thembeka and Fidu introduced the Southern Africa Wildlife Disease Association Student Chapter (UP) to the Department of Paraclinical Sciences of the University of Pretoria.
The SA WDA SC (UP) board is committed to the mandate of the WDA and its stance toward improving and educating students interested in wildlife health and disease through enhancing their skills and connecting students to leaders in their respective fields.
Come and join us!
Membership to the Student Chapter is FREE to students! However we do encourage students to apply for WDA membership through the WDA-AME student sponsorship program.
WDA Africa Middle East NEWSLETTER
April 18, 2017
Please find attached the latest WDA AME Section Newsletter!
Special Announcements:
1) The WDA AME committee is pleased to announce the annual meeting, in collaboration with the TAWIRI Scientific Conference in Arusha, December 6th-8th, 2017
2) Student members are urged to apply for sponsored membership of the WDA. Application form available at www.wildlifedisease.org/wda/SECTIONS/AfricanMiddleEast.aspx or at WDA AME SC student resources
3) Proceedings of the 2015 Bovine TB outreach day in South Africa are available online at www.wildlifedisease.org/wda/MEMBERAREA/MemberResources/WDAReportsfromtheField.aspx